
Varlaam Lake pictures

Big carp, scenic shots, maps

Our gallery includes photos of the biggest carp in our lakes, scenic shots which can give you an idea about the place, lake maps and photos of the some of the swims. The carp were weighed and photographed by our bailiffs, Mădălin Barnea and Brad Rădulescu. When Varlaam Lake opened in 2014, it was the first carp venue in Romania where all big carp were weighed and photographed by the bailiffs in order to monitor how the fish were handled and to ensure that the recorded weights were correct. The same policy still applies.

Most of the pictures on our website were taken by Cristian Bunda. The other pictures were taken by Victor Hodorog, Andrei Colotelo, Vlad Pavlovici and Victor Costache. All images used on this website are the property of the photographers who have contributed them. No unauthorized reproduction, public exhibition or re-use is permitted. Please contact us for further details.