
Please make a booking in order to fish Varlaam Lake

Carp fishing rules


Lake Varlaam is an area of natural beauty and it is important that all anglers respect the environment and the fish. Our aim is to create a relaxing, high-quality venue with outstanding fishing.  The following rules apply:

1.1 Catch and release only. All fish are to be returned alive and unharmed to the lake after capture. No fish are to be taken off site or even out of your swim under any circumstances. Anyone trying to remove fish from the fishery will be prosecuted.

1.2 On the first day, your session will begin at 13.00 pm. On the final day, swims and cabins are to be vacated by 12.00 pm to allow preparation for new arrivals. Night fishing is allowed.

1.3 A maximum of 4 (four) rods is allowed per angler. All rods must be fished from the same swim. No stalking. Fishing is permitted from from named swims only.

1.4 Carp anglers can have a fishing partner at no extra costs as long as they use a maximum of four rods in the swim. Some swims on Sector B are large enough to allow up to eight rods (for two anglers). Please contact the bailiffs for details.


2.1 As a courtesy to all other anglers, no radios, no loud music or shouting across the lakes. The highest standard of behaviour is expected from all.

2.2 You may bring alcohol to the lake but in moderation. Heavy drinking is not permitted Alcohol or drug abuse will not be tolerated. Those found intoxicated may be asked to leave.

2.3 No open fires allowed in the swims on Sector A. This includes all forms of barbeques. There is a designated area for barbeques near the car park. On Sector B swims, above ground barbeques are allowed. No fires or on the ground barbeques.


3.1 All rods, reels, landing net and other gear need to be fit for purpose and used correctly. See the details on carp care and tackle below. All anglers must be in possession of a large 42” landing net with fish-friendly mesh. Use bivvies umbrella-tents or tents in green, brown or camouflage only.

3.2 A large specimen carp cradle or inflatable mat must always be used for unhooking fish. These are the safest. Fish must always be transported from the mat/cradle back to the water in a sling. Under no circumstances should a fish be carried in your arms. Never put more than one fish in one sling or one cradle.

3.3. Fish being photographed must be always held over an unhooking mat (unless the fish is being photographed in the water). Photographs must be taken kneeling down. Under no circumstances stand up or attempt to stand up when photographing fish. To weigh and photograph fish properly, all carp anglers must have the following gear: solid tripod, scales that are capable of weighing to at least 40kg, weigh sling. We advise bringing your own chest waders to go into the lake to take pictures with your captures. Big carp will only be photograped in the water wherever possible.

3.4. All carp anglers must use thick monofilament lines: 0.40mm (or more) for the mainline and 0.60mm (or more) for the abrasion/snag leader, which must be at least 15m long. Monofilament or fluorocarbon abrasion/snag leaders are compulsory. Braided mainline is NOT allowed on fishing rods, but is fine on spod and marker rods. Please make sure your line comply with the rules.

3.5 Boats (up to 3m in length) are allowed but with consideration to other anglers. You can bring and use your own boat free of charge. Boats are also available for hire.

3.6 Electric outboard motors are allowed. We do not have electric motors for rent. Please bring your own motor if possible.

3.7 Baitboats and sonars are allowed.

3.8 Flexible marker pole systems are allowed when using boats.  They can be left out in lake to mark areas that you are fishing for the entire duration of your session. The use of buoyant high visibility H-blocks is only permitted for temporarily marking a spot. No permanent H-blocks or bottles are allowed when fishing.

3.9 Floating devices (such as bottle markers) may be needed in certain areas to keep the mainline off the bottom, ensuring that it sits above any snags or obstructions on the lake bed. The bailiffs will explain if and when these are necessary.

3.10 Life vests must be worn whilst going out in a boat. We recommend that life vests are used at all times, even in the summer. They are compulsory in the cold season (October to April).

4 – RIGS

4.1 Single hook set ups only.

4.2 Please use safety rigs at all times. All leads, beads etc. must be releasable in case of line breakages. The lead system must GUARANTEE that the lead will be released in case the mainline breaks off, or if the carp gets stuck in a snag. Rigs will be checked by the bailiffs to ensure they are safe.

4.3 Leadcore and leadcore alternatives such as lead free leaders, safezone style leaders and tubing can be used but once again these must be ultra safe and will be checked by the bailiffs. The minimum length for any leadcore leader (or alternative leader) is 1m. The maximum length for any leadcore leader (or alternative leader) is 2m. Care must be taken to protect the fish from any type of mainline to prevent scales being lifted during the fight.

4.4 Coated and uncoated braided hooklengths are allowed. Minimum breaking strain is 20lb.

4.5 Micro-barbed hooks only. Barbless hooks are banned. No hooks bigger than size 4 or smaller than size 8. Please note that some hooks in size 4 may be much bigger than others. Avoid extremely big hooks even if they are size 4.

4.6 No bent hooks (such as Hayabusa M1) or long shank nailers (such as Gardner Longshank Mugga) as they can cause excessive mouth damage.

4.6 Sunt interzise carligele cu tijă lungă curbată (de exemplu: Gardner Longshank Mugga) sau îndoită, de tip “bent hook” (de exemplu: Hayabusa M1), care au tendința să croșeteze gura peștelui.


5.1 Boilies, pellets, groundbaits and prepared seeds and particles are allowed. This includes maize/corn/sweetcorn, hemp and other particles. No pet food is allowed.

5.2 All particles must be properly prepared and cooked. Baiting up with dry uncooked seeds such as maize is not allowed. Do not use more than 10kg of prepared seeds in a 24hr period.

5.3 Absolutely no tiger nuts or peanuts. Tiger nuts may only be used as a hook bait.

5.4 Only good quality baits are allowed – we reserve the right of refusal to allow inferior quality boilies being used on our lake. Please contact the bailiffs for more information.

5.5 Natural baits such as maggots, worms and casters are only allowed in the cold season (November to March).


6.1 Sacking carp is not permitted, and sacks must not be brought onto the site. Carp must be realeased quickly after capture. If a big fish cannot be photographed when it was caught for objective reasons (such as rain), it may be kept in a retention sling, but only with the approval of the bailiff and for as short a time as possible.

6.2 The fish must be lifted out of the water using a floatation weigh sling. Please check the fins are all flat against the body before lifting the fish. All slings must have buoyant foam support bars and be able to float. Fish must never be carried in your hands to or from the water, only in a sling.

6.3 Use a recognised, branded wound antibiotic agent on hook wounds and any other external wounds, lesions or sores.

6.4 Fish are to be retained for a maximum of 5 (five) minutes for photography purposes only. Each carp must be photographed individually. Never photograph more than one carp at a time, and never put more than one carp in a sling or mat.

6.5 We wish to record the growth of every big carp, so please inform the bailiffs of every 15kg carp (or bigger) you catch as soon as you catch it.

6.6 When weighing or photographing a fish, scales and  weigh slings, cameras etc. must all be ready for use before the fish is removed from the water. Fish must be left in the landing net in the water until everything is ready and must be out of the water for the minimum amount of time. Fish must not be lifted above knee height. You must not stand up and hold fish for photographing. The fish must be held as close to the ground and unhooking mat as possible and returned to the lake inside a sling or mat. Large carp cradle-type unhooking mats must be used at all times. Keep fish wet during photography sessions. All big carp photographs are to be taken in the water wherever possible (subject to water depth in the margins).

6.7 The bailiffs have the right to photograph any carp and use the photos for promotional purposes.


7.1 Protecting the environment is an important aspect. Fishing grounds must be kept intact. Camping is only allowed in designated swims. All swims on both our lakes have been carefully landscaped to provide plenty of space for setting up a bivvy. There should be no reason to cut any bankside vegetation. If something is in your way, please contact the bailiffs for assistance.

 7.2 No litter whatsoever at any time. All litter must be removed from the swim and placed in the bins by the shower block. Please be very careful with cigarette butts and use the sand buckets provided to extinguish them. Do not throw cigarette butts on the floor or into the pond. Anglers fishing a swim that has litter strewn around will be deemed responsible for it and may be asked to leave.


8.1 Access to, or exit from the lake, is only permitted during the day for both anglers and visitors. Entry and exit from the lake are not permitted at night, except in special situations and only with the bailiff’s aproval.

8.2 Upon arrival, you can drive to your swim to unload the gear. Once your tackle has been dropped off in your swim, the car must be parked in the car park for the entire length of your session. At the end of the session, you can bring the car to the swim to load your gear, but only after notifying the bailiff. Please inform the bailiff when you intend to bring the car to the swim. Luggage can be loaded into the car only in the presence of the bailiff.

8.3 The management reserves the right to examine any vehicle on or leaving the property to ensure that fish are not being removed, transferred illegally, or stolen. This right may only be exercised in the presence of the person using the vehicle, but refusal to co-operate may result in the termination of the vehicle owner’s rights to fish and/or be on the property.

8.4 Visitors are allowed, but only during the day. All visitors must leave their cars in the parking lot. Anglers will assume full responsibility for their visitors. Visitors cannot stay overnight, except in special situations and only with the aproval of the bailiffs.

8.5 When using boats, we recommend the use of life jackets at all times. Anglers assume full responsability when going out on the lake in their boats. The management is exempted from any civil, administrative and material liability for any form of accidents. Lake Varlaam management or its employees cannot be held responsible for any accident and/or injury to anglers or their possessions, however caused, whilst on the premises. It is the anglers’ responsability to ensure they are protected and are aware of the dangers of fishing. All decisions made by the management are final and not subject to appeal.

Please make a booking in order to fish Varlaam Lake

Bookings can be made by phone or email

+40 723 601 529 /