About us

Who we are


Varlaam was originally a single gravel pit dug in the mid 1990s. As the lake got bigger every year, it was later divided into two lakes called Sector A (7 ha) and Sector B (25ha). Both lakes are a maze of features (plateaus, gravel bars, islands, points and bays) and variable depths like you would expect on typical gravel pits. The lakes are managed by two bailiffs who speak good English and are maintained in perfect order with purpose built swims.

Partially surrounded by woodland and willows which offer protection and privacy, the beautiful Sector A is packed with zebra mussels which provide the carp with tonnes of natural food throughout the year and sustain an excellent growth rate. There is a good stock of big carp, the largest fish being over 30kg, and many well over 20kg. The carp are mainly commons with high shoulders, huge mouths and big fins. There is also a sprinkling of mirrors of similar shape.

The much larger Sector B has an impressive stock of big carp, with many fish over 20kg. It is an open expanse of water with almost no snags but lots of attractive features including several islands and variable depths. 

Both lakes are perfectly safe and maintained to offer excellent facilities including charging points for mobile phones, bait boats and other electrical equipment, clean toilets and shower blocks, convenient parking and easy access. All anglers get as much help and information as possible to enable them to catch fish. The bailiffs are available at all times and will go out to photograph all carp over 20kg.

Current lake records:

Sector A / common carp – 33.6kg, caught by Iulian Petre in March 2024

Sector B / common carp – 30kg, caught by Iulian Iorgulescu in May 2023

Sector B / mirror carp – 30kg, caught by Alexandru Constantinescu in November 2024

What we provide



355 carp
over 20kg
caught in 2023


Over 24kg


Sector B


Sector A

Frequently asked questions


We recommend our customers to use quality boilies, pellets and prepared seeds and particles. Dynamite Baits boilies have been used a lot on our lakes for many years now, and have always done very well. The most popular ones are the fishmeal-based varieties such as The Source, Complex-T, Peppered Squid and Hot Crab & Krill.

We also advise anglers to use Coppens pellets in conjunction with boilies. Large extruded pellets in 14mm and 20mm are not only very attractive to carp, but also highly nutritional since they are designed for aquaculture.

We can supply the baits at very competitive prices. Please call us for details. We advise all anglers to order the bait well in advance if possible.

A number of baits are prohibited for reasons related to fish care.

Using dry uncooked seeds such as maize is not allowed. Please note that seeds must be used in moderation - no more than 10kg of prepared seeds per 24 hours.

Also not allowed are tiger nuts and any other type of peanuts. Tiger nuts can only be used as hookbaits.

Low quality boilies (such as the ones sold for 2-3 euros per kilo) should not be used. Please contact the bailiffs for more information.

Natural baits such as maggots, worms and casters are only allowed in the cold season (November to March).

Our lake rules require that all anglers use thick monofilament lines. Nylon mainline thickness to be used is 0.40mm. Nylon abrasion leader thickness to be used is 0.60mm. Please note these are the MINIMUM requirements. Some anglers use even thicker lines.

This is because both lakes are littered with sharp rocks and mussels which can cut even the most advanced superlines easily if they are not thick enough. Abrasion resistance is critical.

Using thick mainlines and leaders will result in more carp being caught. Fishing with such thick lines may seem strange if you are not used with it, but it's beneficial for both the environment and the anglers.

Please make a booking in order to fish Varlaam Lake

Bookings can be made by phone or email

+40 723 601 529 / lacul.varlaam@gmail.com

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